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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The day before the day before

Tomorrow we set up the house for the next round of recording. Nik emailed his schedule and Adam dropped by after a gig with Jesse and confirmed his arrival with drums, percussion items, mics, headphones, and who knows what else!

Jane and her mom Janet were busy preparing food today—potato leek soup, sushi rolls (smoked salmon and veggie), hummous, hardboiled eggs, toasted almonds, fruit and nut mix, biscotti, Jane’s oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and Janet’s famous ginger snaps. I have been told by the boss (guess who) to keep my hands off!

I feel very settled with the songs and ran through them a few times today—I don’t want to overdo it. My fingers were starting to feel a little worn last night, so I need to take it easy.

We’re ready!

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