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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photos from Saturday, June 25 sessions

We started our last day of recording with "Pilin' Line," my call-and-response work song. Nik was determined to record it in our backyard, even though it was cloudy and threatened rain. Here are some shots from that morning session, taken by Kate Vanderhorst.

I'm set up at a mic with headphones, singing lead. The group is in three groups each around a mic, with an overall area mic in the centre. The group, from left to right: Jeff Bersche, Tricia Brubacher, Laura Bird, Jan Vanderhorst, Stu Peterson, Dennis Gaumond, Tannis Slimmon, Mike Driscoll, Rich Langedijk, Guy Stefan, Tannis Maynard-Langedijk, Jesse Turton.

Stomping, clapping and shouting!

Rich, Guy, Tannis, and Jesse: "Hard work on the pilin' line!"

After a successful take, Jesse picks salad for lunch.

Janet Lewis is not only highly intelligent, wise, loving, and lovely, she is a master in the kitchen! Lunch for the work gang is ready.

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